This is just to let you know that I am about to add a brand new feature to my main blog: An Illustrator's Life For Me! (see: ) and this an introduction to what is to come very soon!
I can only include a small selection of images in the main blog, so I have decided to create a gallery space here, where anyone interested can see addition photographs and illustrations.

Give me about a week to get properly up and running, but in the meantime, to kick off, here are a couple of photographs of me sketching out and about, probably my favourite way of drawing. The top one is me in Hanoi, during a holiday, travelling around Vietnam, about 3 years ago. I'll dig out the sketchbook and see if I can find the drawing I was doing, for the next post.

This second photo is me sketching restored wooden canal boats, as research for A Lark In The Ark, at the Ashton Packet Boatyard in Audenshaw (outside Manchester). The Wooden Canal Boat Society very kindly took me in for the day, and let me poke around wherever I liked, drawing everything and everyone. Again, I'll look out the sketchbook for next time. Anyone who knows the book will know my depiction of Noah - he was very closely based on Chris Dixon, the owner of the Forget Me Not and my guide for the morning!
See you soon!