I have always been a little fascinated by the way a window pre-selects a picture. Over the years, I have done many drawings of the views from the various windows in my life.

These were all done from my studio window (not the one I work in now, but the previous one, on the first floor). I looked out over the neighbours' back gardens, receding down the hill - a perfect viewpoint.

I was interested in the patterns created by the dappled sunlight on the branches, and the shadows on the different shaped foliage. I was trying to get the energy of new growth into the drawings.

I particularly liked the fingers of the hedge in the one above, feeling their way up towards the sun, so I translated it into colour, using oil pastels for a change. I wanted it to feel whimsical, rather then be a realistic representation:

Here is another oil pastel ones. It's still the same view, just focusing on a more distant section, rather than the immediate neighbour:

Believe it or not, the sketchbook I used for all these, an A4 bound book, nearly an inch thick, with pages of buff sugar-paper (perfect for oil pastels, it turns out) was one I bought during a student trip to the USSR, over 25 years ago! It's been sitting on a top shelf, forgotten until now!
Not sure why, but I like stuff like that!
Not sure why, but I like stuff like that!