Yes, the 1st one was such fun, we did it again almost immediately. As it happens, International Sketchcrawl Day was last Saturday, so some of the same folks as last time, plus some new ones, met up for another day of sketching.

Cath Dunn:

Bryn Hughes:

Lynne Chapman:

We ate a packed lunch and then the boldest of the party braved the outdoors, to draw in the grounds around the museum:

Lynne Chapman:

Dorothy Rasen:

Of course, it rained almost immediately, so after a damp and rather chilly hour and a bit, we retreated indoors again for a final warm-up sketch:
Sian Hughes:

Micheal Lee:

If you look carefully above, you can see that one person even brought an iPad instead of a sketchbook (Jane's iPad drawings are at the very top).

What an amazing day out. Please email me if you'd like to take part next time - everyone is welcome, whatever your age, experience or ability, and it's all free. What could be better eh?